Head coach Tim Welsh was a professor of English while coaching at Winthrop College and Syracuse University.

A Limerick From Limerick On New Year's Day Events In Dublin

Jan. 5, 2005

After a tornado caused damage to the National Aquatic Centre in Dublin on Saturday, Notre Dame head coach and former English professor (at Winthrop College and Syracuse University) Tim Welsh – who was in the west-Ireland city of Limerick with the Irish swimmers – responded by composing his own limerick from the town that lent its name to the poem. A limerick is a humorous five-line anapestic verse with rhyme scheme aabba.

A Limerick from Limerick on New Year’s Day Events in Dublin

by Tim Welsh

We came to the Emerald Isle

To swim and to dive for awhile.

A tornado went “Poof!”

And blew off the pool roof.

No more diving. “It” happens. Smile!